Data enrichment tool
with email validation and email quality scoring

Get more intelligence about your prospects, leads and customers, automatically validate email addresses and phone numbers. With our data enrichment tool, your marketing and sales teams are getting the high quality data they need to market and sell more effectively.

Data enrichment tool in action
Trusted by 3,000+ digital marketers worldwide.
What's Included

data enrichment solution
for B2B sales and marketing.

We're helping you enrich and validate the key data points about your prospects, leads and customers. You're getting the most complete data enrichment and data quality solution on the market.

Get a complete profile of your accounts and contacts.

The data you're getting is sourced from over 200 public and private sources to give you the most complete and accurate intelligence about your contacts and accounts. Unlike the majority of data providers, we re-crawl data regularly to ensure we're giving you the best results.

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Company data enrichment in action

Increase the quality of your data and remove junk emails.

We perform a series of real-time checks for each of your email addresses. You get an overall email quality score for every processed email. As a result you can immediately identify and remove disposable email addresses and score quality leads higher.

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Email quality scoring and email validation

Identify leads with correct phone numbers and score them higher.

With phone validation you're bringing the quality of your lead, prospect and customer data to the next level. You can clearly identify those who provided correct phone numbers and score them higher than those who put anything but a legit number on you lead capture forms.

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Phone validation in action
Marcom Robot Customer - Todd Summers
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“The Marcom Robot team was great to work with and gave personal attention to find the right solution for our unique data enrichment needs. They helped us quickly identify data we were missing for over 16,000 records and were by far the least expensive route after looking at many, many other data enrichment tools.”
Todd Summers, Demand gen. manager, multitaction
Marcom Robot Customer - Joshua Riley
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“The Marcom Robot team is extremely responsive and I’ve been
impressed by how quickly they were able to return results for our business team. They not only met our ask, but exceeded our expectations on turn around times.”
Joshua Riley, Director of operations, QuInstreet
Marcom Robot customer - Becca Rice
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“This is absolutely amazing!  Way to go above and beyond on the customer support front. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.”
Becca Rice, Director of R&D and Support, Kiosk Group
Marcom Robot Customer - Michael De Pinto
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"Marcom Robot saved me valuable time by providing me with the perfect data enrichment tool. For anyone in sales or market research, Marcom Robot is the perfect resource for lead enrichment, deal sourcing, or industry analysis."
Michael De Pinto, Market Research Analyst
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EnrichHQ integrations

Data enrichment for your CRM and marketing automation platform.

All of our products were designed to be seamlessly integrated with marketing automation (MAP) and customer relationship management (CRM) platforms of choice. At any time if you request our help. you'll immediately get it from our customer success team.

Designed for teams generating demand and helping sales team sell better, faster and more efficiently


Deliver the right message to the right audience

Generate more leads and pipeline from your marketing campaigns with better targeting options, increased email deliverability and open rates.

Sales operations

Speed up your sales cycle and increase sales productivity

With continuous data enrichment and validation you be able to eliminate lead routing issues and ensure rapid and precise lead distribution.

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No credit card's required to get started with your trial. We never rush and never push. From now and on everything happens at your schedule.