Company name-to-domain
bulk converter for sales, marketing and operations teams

Get website addresses from company names in bulk using the most advanced and precise AI-powered company name-to-domain matching technology.

Trusted by 3,000+ digital marketers worldwide.
Why Marcom Robot?

Convert company names to domains in real time and with high precision.

If you're looking for an easy way to convert company names to domains in bulk, we got you covered. Some of the world's biggest brands in account-based marketing, finance, education, healthcare, and SaaS rely on us to get company websites based on name.

AI-powered matching

The most precise company name-to-domain correlation and conversion engine.

Confidence scoring

For every matched record, you get a confidence score (1-10).

Bulk list processing

Process lists with one or 50,000,000 company names.

Instant results

See results in real-time and export them to Excel or .CSV.

Online self-service portal

We can process lists Process lists at your own pace with our online self-service portal.

Team access

Grant access to your data without compromising its security.

How It Works

Copy and paste your records, or upload your Excel spreadsheet, and get started in minutes, not days.

You can use our self-service online portal to convert your list of company names to website addresses. Simply copy and paste your records, or upload them in Excel format to get started. The whole process takes minutes, not days.

AI-powered Matching

Unrivaled match rates and unmatched precision.

In our effort to deliver the most accurate results, our AI-powered engine conducts a thorough analysis and correlation of more than 15 distinct parameters for each record.

Confidence scoring

Identify the most reliable matches and the ones that require your special attention.

Every matched record comes with a confidence score. Ranging from ranging from 1 to 10 it will help you quickly distinguish the most trustworthy matches and direct your attention accordingly.

Customer Stories

A company name-to-domain matching tool that you've been looking for.

ProspectingAI is the world's most advanced company name-to-domain matching solution with thousands of business and individual customers. But don't take our word for it—listen to what our customers have to say.

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"The process of manually scraping and inputting data is long and arduous. The associated domains provided by ProspectingAI were very accurate. For anyone in sales or market research, ProspectingAI is the perfect resource for lead enrichment, deal sourcing, or industry analysis."
Michael De Pinto, Market Research Analyst
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“This is absolutely amazing!  Way to go above and beyond on the customer support front. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.”
Becca Rice, Director of R&D and Support, Kiosk Group
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“The Marcom Robot team is extremely responsive and I’ve been
impressed by how quickly they were able to return results for our business team. They not only met our ask, but exceeded our expectations on turn around times.”
Joshua Riley, Director of operations, QuInstreet
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“The Marcom Robot team was great to work with and gave personal attention to find the right solution for our unique data enrichment needs. They helped us quickly identify data we were missing for over 16,000 records and were by far the least expensive route after looking at many, many other data enrichment tools.”
Todd Summers, Demand gen. manager, multitaction
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